Monday, June 27, 2011

New Map

So, as I read online at the Club Penguin 'What's New?' column, I noticed the team was preparing a new map... I wasn't too thrilled about this. So I immediately went online and took a last picture of the old map before they changed it. This is that picture. That was yesterday. Today, I woke up and later on checked. Not there. Now it's nighttime and and the map is out. I snapped a pic and here it is. I personally like the old one better because it was simple and normal. But the new one has all these complicated shortcuts and what not. Maybe some people liked going to the actual place and going to the game normally. But now we can't change it so. We're going to have to live with it. I do like how it has the specific games and shops. The map brought to the team's attention that there is only one pet shop, and only sells puffles... maybe they will invent a new species of pets!! I don't know what they will do next, but hopefully they won't take forever doing it. They're just slowly erasing the old Club Penguin forever. :(

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